What is AutoML?

AutoML, or Automated Machine Learning, is a tool in machine learning that automates the end-to-end process of applying machine learning to real-world problems. This involves several stages, including data preprocessing, feature selection, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and model evaluation. The goal of AutoML is to make machine learning accessible to non-experts, streamline workflows for experienced practitioners, and improve the efficiency and performance of machine learning models.

AutoML is for everyone:

AutoML is designed to be used by a wide range of individuals, including:

  1. Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers:

    • To accelerate model development and deployment
    • To optimize models without extensive manual tuning
  2. Business Analysts:

    • To leverage machine learning for data-driven decision making
    • To build predictive models without deep ML expertise
  3. Developers and Engineers:

    • To integrate machine learning into applications with minimal ML knowledge
    • To use pre-built models for various tasks
  4. Researchers and Academics:

    • To experiment with machine learning models quickly
    • To focus on novel research without getting bogged down by the implementation details
  5. Students and Enthusiasts:

    • To learn and experiment with machine learning concepts
    • To build projects and prototypes

Benefits of using AutoML:

AutoML is important for several reasons, particularly due to its ability to automate the end-to-end process of machine learning. Here are some key points highlighting its significance:

1. Efficiency and Productivity

  • Time Savings - Automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning accelerates the model development process.
  • Rapid Prototyping - AutoML allows for quick experimentation and prototyping, enabling faster iteration and deployment of models.

2. Optimization and Performance

  • Enhanced Model Quality - AutoML systems often explore a wide range of algorithms and hyperparameters to identify the best-performing models, potentially leading to better accuracy and robustness compared to manually crafted models.
  • Consistency - Automation reduces the likelihood of human error and ensures consistent application of best practices across different projects.

3. Scalability

  • Handling Large Datasets - AutoML tools can efficiently manage and process large datasets, making it feasible to build models on a scale that would be impractical manually.
  • Multiple Models - Organizations can deploy multiple machine learning models across various departments and applications simultaneously, scaling their data-driven decision-making capabilities.

4. Focus on Higher-Level Problem Solving

  • Freeing Up Expert Time - Data scientists and machine learning engineers can focus on more complex, high-level tasks such as interpreting results, addressing strategic questions, and developing innovative solutions instead of routine tasks.
  • Innovation - By automating the mundane aspects of machine learning, experts can dedicate more time to research and development, leading to advancements in the field.

5. Consistency and Reproducibility

  • Standardization - AutoML promotes standardization in the machine learning workflow, ensuring that the steps taken are consistent and reproducible across different projects.
  • Documentation - Automated systems often come with built-in documentation of the processes and parameters used, aiding in reproducibility and transparency.

6. Cost-Effectiveness

  • Reduced Resource Requirements - Automation can reduce the need for a large team of highly specialized data scientists, leading to cost savings for organizations, especially smaller ones with limited budgets.

In summary, AutoML is important because it enables a more efficient, accessible, and scalable approach to machine learning, driving innovation and broadening the impact of machine learning across various industries and applications.

AutoML by MLJAR merges many algorythms from different open source libraries in itself in a comapct, inteligible   and comprehensible way.

Examples of AutoML Tools:

  • AutoML by MLJAR - Our very own Python package with functionalities like:
    • compleate pipeline,
    • automated hyperparameters tuning,
    • Fairness algorythms mitigating Bias,
    • 4 premade modes to use,
    • and many more ....
  • Google AutoML - A suite of machine learning products by Google Cloud that allows developers to train high-quality models specific to their needs.
  • H2O.ai - An open-source machine learning platform that provides AutoML functionality.
  • AutoKeras - An open-source software library for automated machine learning, built on Keras.
  • TPOT - A Python tool that automatically creates and optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming.
  • DataRobot - An enterprise AI platform that automates the end-to-end process of building, deploying, and maintaining machine learning models.

By democratizing access to machine learning, AutoML tools empower a broader audience to harness the power of AI and drive innovation across various fields.

Get to know AutoML:

It need to be said:

AutoML is a tool, not an AI!

It is not some miracle app that will make all work for you exactly to your liking. It is an automation tool, meaning, that it will perform set of defined operations with less user input and grants you more freedom in tuning your models.

Everyone can check out our AutoML. You can simply install it with:

  • From PyPi repository,
  • From source code,
  • Installation for development,
  • Running in docker with Jupyter notebook.

All documentation can be easily found in mljar-supervised documentation and it'll be used in this example. I encourage You, Dear Reader, to try this for yourself along with me as I explain basic principles of MLJAR's AutoML.

I decided to create workplace locally and use pip to take care of it. Don't be scared, it can take a minute or two becuase a lot of libraries have to be installed. To demonstrate basic usage of AutoML I'll run code available at the end of mljar-supervised home page.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from supervised.automl import AutoML

df = pd.read_csv(
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    df[df.columns[:-1]], df["income"], test_size=0.25

automl = AutoML()
automl.fit(X_train, y_train)

predictions = automl.predict(X_test)

It simply gets prepared dataset and runs data through ML Pipieline designed into AutoML.

Linear algorithm was disabled.
AutoML directory: AutoML_2
The task is binary_classification with evaluation metric logloss
AutoML will use algorithms: ['Baseline', 'Decision Tree', 'Random Forest', 'Xgboost', 'Neural Network']
AutoML will ensemble available models
AutoML steps: ['simple_algorithms', 'default_algorithms', 'ensemble']
* Step simple_algorithms will try to check up to 2 models
1_Baseline logloss 0.549717 trained in 0.3 seconds
2_DecisionTree logloss 0.368389 trained in 7.7 seconds
* Step default_algorithms will try to check up to 3 models
3_Default_Xgboost logloss 0.278908 trained in 6.31 seconds
4_Default_NeuralNetwork logloss 0.326521 trained in 3.88 seconds
5_Default_RandomForest logloss 0.338648 trained in 4.59 seconds
* Step ensemble will try to check up to 1 model
Ensemble logloss 0.278908 trained in 1.83 seconds
AutoML fit time: 30.24 seconds
AutoML best model: 3_Default_Xgboost

It wasn't specified what mode, models and with what hyperparameters it's supposed to run, so by default it executed Explain mode - great for initial analasis becuase it generated many charts for each model. In AutoML_1 directory we can find README.md file for convinient moving between summaries for each model. At the end Explain chooses model best suited for this dataset.

AutoML by MLJAR is great tool for everybody wanting to take machine learning to the next level.

We encourage you to try this on your own and try different modes, tune hyperparameters or check how it works on your dataset.

We're sure you will find possible usage for our AutoML.

6 Pros and Cons:

Advantages of AutoML

  1. Accessibility and Democratization:

    • Lowering Barriers
      • AutoML makes machine learning accessible to non-experts, enabling a broader range of professionals to utilize ML without deep technical expertise.
    • User-Friendly Interfaces
      • Many AutoML tools offer intuitive interfaces that simplify the process of model creation and deployment.
  2. Efficiency and Time Savings:

    • Automation of Repetitive Tasks
      • AutoML automates time-consuming tasks such as data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning.
    • Rapid Prototyping
      • Users can quickly experiment with different models and approaches, speeding up the development cycle.
  3. Optimization and Performance:

    • Enhanced Model Quality
      • By exploring a wide range of algorithms and hyperparameters, AutoML can identify models that perform better than manually crafted ones.
    • Consistent Application of Best Practices
      • AutoML ensures that best practices are consistently applied, reducing the likelihood of errors and suboptimal modeling choices.
  4. Scalability:

    • Handling Large Datasets
      • AutoML tools can efficiently manage and process large datasets, making it feasible to build models at scale.
    • Multiple Models
      • Organizations can deploy multiple machine learning models across various applications simultaneously.
  5. Focus on Higher-Level Tasks:

    • Freeing Up Expert Time
      • Data scientists and ML engineers can focus on strategic and complex tasks, such as interpreting results and developing innovative solutions.
    • Encouraging Innovation
      • With routine tasks automated, experts can dedicate more time to research and development.
  6. Cost-Effectiveness:

    • Reduced Need for Specialized Teams
      • Smaller organizations can benefit from ML without the need for large teams of highly specialized data scientists.
    • Resource Efficiency
      • Automation can lead to cost savings by reducing the time and resources needed for model development.

Disadvantages of AutoML

  1. Limited Customization and Flexibility:

    • Black-Box Solutions
      • AutoML tools often function as black boxes, offering limited transparency into the model's inner workings, which can be problematic for understanding and trust.
    • Less Control
      • Advanced users may find the lack of granular control over the model-building process limiting, especially for highly specialized or complex problems.
  2. Potential for Suboptimal Solutions:

    • Not Always the Best Performance
      • AutoML may not always find the most optimal solution compared to a well-informed human expert who can apply domain-specific knowledge.
    • Overfitting Risks
      • Without careful tuning, AutoML models may overfit the training data, particularly if the underlying algorithms are not properly managed.
  3. Computational Resources and Cost:

    • High Computational Demand
      • AutoML can be resource-intensive, requiring significant computational power, which may lead to high costs, especially for large-scale applications.
    • Infrastructure Requirements
      • Organizations may need to invest in robust infrastructure to support AutoML processes.
  4. Dependence on Quality of Data:

    • Garbage In, Garbage Out
      • AutoML's effectiveness is heavily dependent on the quality of the input data. Poor-quality data can lead to poor-quality models.
    • Data Preparation Still Necessary
      • While AutoML automates many tasks, initial data preparation and cleaning still require human intervention and expertise.
  5. Ethical and Bias Concerns:

    • Bias Propagation
      • AutoML tools can inadvertently propagate biases present in the training data, leading to biased outcomes.
    • Lack of Accountability
      • The black-box nature of some AutoML systems can make it difficult to ensure accountability and ethical decision-making.
  6. Skill Erosion:

    • Reduced Learning Opportunities
      • Over-reliance on AutoML can lead to a skill gap, where practitioners may not develop a deep understanding of machine learning concepts and techniques.



In conclusion, AutoML represents a significant advancement in the field of machine learning, transforming the way models are developed, optimized, and deployed. By automating the end-to-end machine learning process—from data preprocessing and feature engineering to model selection and hyperparameter tuning—AutoML democratizes access to powerful analytical tools. This not only empowers non-experts to leverage machine learning for their specific needs but also enhances productivity and efficiency for experienced practitioners.

AutoML tools enable rapid prototyping and deployment of machine learning models, facilitating faster innovation and decision-making across diverse industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, and more. They ensure consistency and reproducibility in model building, reduce the potential for human error, and allow experts to focus on high-level problem solving and strategic initiatives.

Ultimately, AutoML's ability to optimize model performance, handle large datasets, and reduce resource requirements makes it a cost-effective solution that scales effectively. As the field of machine learning continues to evolve, AutoML will play a crucial role in expanding the reach and impact of artificial intelligence, fostering greater innovation and driving data-driven success across various sectors.