Google Sheets

Read data from Google Sheets using Python

Learn how to interact with Google Sheets using Python. This recipe covers retrieving and printing cell, row, and column values, as well as fetching all values and records from a worksheet using gspread. Detailed steps include accessing specific cells, rows, columns, and extracting comprehensive data from the entire worksheet for efficient data manipulation and analysis.

Required packages

You need below packages to use the code generated by recipe. All packages are automatically installed in MLJAR Studio.


Interactive recipe

You can use below interactive recipe to generate code. This recipe is available in MLJAR Studio.

In the below recipe, we assume that you have following variables available in your notebook:

  • worksheet (type Worksheet)

Python code

# Python code will be here

Code explanation

  1. Read the chosen element/elements.
  2. Print the reading.

Example Python notebooks

Please find inspiration in example notebooks

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