
Python insert query in PostgreSQL

Execute sql insert query. Credentials are loaded from .env file. Choose table name, then list out columns you wish to fill and then their respectful values. Number of columns needs to be equal to number of values. You can ommit columns, if so None will be inserted.


Required packages

You need below packages to use the code generated by recipe. All packages are automatically installed in MLJAR Studio.


Interactive recipe

You can use below interactive recipe to generate code. This recipe is available in MLJAR Studio.

In the below recipe, we assume that you have following variables available in your notebook:

  • conn (type Connection)
  • values (type list)
  • ids (type list)

Python code

# Python code will be here

Code explanation

  1. Check if there is an open connection.
  2. If not then open the connection.
  3. Check if number of column is equal to values.
  4. Try to insert into table.
  5. If checked show the results.
  6. If error occurs raise exception.

Example Python notebooks

Please find inspiration in example notebooks

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