Mar 16 2021 · Piotr Płoński

How to save and load Xgboost in Python?

Save and Load Xgboost in Python Xgboost is a powerful gradient boosting framework. It provides interfaces in many languages: Python, R, Java, C++, Juila, Perl, and Scala. In this post, I will show you how to save and load Xgboost models in Python. The Xgboost provides several Python API types, that can be a source of confusion at the beginning of the Machine Learning journey. I will try to show different ways for saving and loading the Xgboost models, and show which one is the safest.

Useful links:

The Xgboost model can be trained in two ways:

  • we can use python API that connects Python with Xgboost internals. It is called Learning API in the Xgboost documentation.
  • or we can use Xgboost API that provides scikit-learn interface. The documentation of scikit-learn compatible API.

Depending on which way you use for training, the saving will be slightly different.

We are using Xgboost in version 2.0.0 in this article.

Let's create the data:

import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# I'm using Xgboost in version `2.0.0`.

# create example data
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, 
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25)

Xgboost Learning API

Let's train Xgboost with learning API:

# We need to prepare data as DMatrix objects
train = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, y_train)
test = xgb.DMatrix(X_test, y_test)

# We need to define parameters as dict
params = {
    "learning_rate": 0.01,
    "max_depth": 3
# training, we set the early stopping rounds parameter
model_xgb = xgb.train(params, 
          train, evals=[(train, "train"), (test, "validation")], 
          num_boost_round=100, early_stopping_rounds=20)

We will get the output like below:

[0]	train-rmse:0.49644	validation-rmse:0.49860
[1]	train-rmse:0.49232	validation-rmse:0.49773
[2]	train-rmse:0.48917	validation-rmse:0.49637
[3]	train-rmse:0.48535	validation-rmse:0.49523
[4]	train-rmse:0.48226	validation-rmse:0.49371
[5]	train-rmse:0.47921	validation-rmse:0.49222
[6]	train-rmse:0.47584	validation-rmse:0.49100
[7]	train-rmse:0.47284	validation-rmse:0.48959
[8]	train-rmse:0.46894	validation-rmse:0.48889
[9]	train-rmse:0.46530	validation-rmse:0.48793
[10]	train-rmse:0.46239	validation-rmse:0.48640
[11]	train-rmse:0.45893	validation-rmse:0.48558
[12]	train-rmse:0.45516	validation-rmse:0.48499
[13]	train-rmse:0.45233	validation-rmse:0.48374
[14]	train-rmse:0.44918	validation-rmse:0.48272
[15]	train-rmse:0.44550	validation-rmse:0.48220
[16]	train-rmse:0.44275	validation-rmse:0.48120
[17]	train-rmse:0.43935	validation-rmse:0.48045
[18]	train-rmse:0.43666	validation-rmse:0.47911
[19]	train-rmse:0.43343	validation-rmse:0.47847
[20]	train-rmse:0.43011	validation-rmse:0.47780
[21]	train-rmse:0.42749	validation-rmse:0.47674
[22]	train-rmse:0.42434	validation-rmse:0.47616
[23]	train-rmse:0.42111	validation-rmse:0.47556
[24]	train-rmse:0.41856	validation-rmse:0.47449
[25]	train-rmse:0.41516	validation-rmse:0.47418
[26]	train-rmse:0.41213	validation-rmse:0.47368
[27]	train-rmse:0.40900	validation-rmse:0.47316
[28]	train-rmse:0.40654	validation-rmse:0.47218
[29]	train-rmse:0.40359	validation-rmse:0.47173
[30]	train-rmse:0.40033	validation-rmse:0.47154
[31]	train-rmse:0.39763	validation-rmse:0.47090
[32]	train-rmse:0.39526	validation-rmse:0.47020
[33]	train-rmse:0.39208	validation-rmse:0.47007
[34]	train-rmse:0.38925	validation-rmse:0.46972
[35]	train-rmse:0.38632	validation-rmse:0.46936
[36]	train-rmse:0.38404	validation-rmse:0.46873
[37]	train-rmse:0.38128	validation-rmse:0.46843
[38]	train-rmse:0.37843	validation-rmse:0.46814
[39]	train-rmse:0.37572	validation-rmse:0.46788
[40]	train-rmse:0.37352	validation-rmse:0.46710
[41]	train-rmse:0.37054	validation-rmse:0.46709
[42]	train-rmse:0.36810	validation-rmse:0.46656
[43]	train-rmse:0.36595	validation-rmse:0.46578
[44]	train-rmse:0.36304	validation-rmse:0.46580
[45]	train-rmse:0.36047	validation-rmse:0.46551
[46]	train-rmse:0.35780	validation-rmse:0.46532
[47]	train-rmse:0.35573	validation-rmse:0.46480
[48]	train-rmse:0.35322	validation-rmse:0.46465
[49]	train-rmse:0.35042	validation-rmse:0.46474
[50]	train-rmse:0.34816	validation-rmse:0.46432
[51]	train-rmse:0.34616	validation-rmse:0.46384
[52]	train-rmse:0.34343	validation-rmse:0.46396
[53]	train-rmse:0.34103	validation-rmse:0.46376
[54]	train-rmse:0.33909	validation-rmse:0.46311
[55]	train-rmse:0.33661	validation-rmse:0.46304
[56]	train-rmse:0.33427	validation-rmse:0.46322
[57]	train-rmse:0.33183	validation-rmse:0.46316
[58]	train-rmse:0.32995	validation-rmse:0.46283
[59]	train-rmse:0.32737	validation-rmse:0.46301
[60]	train-rmse:0.32511	validation-rmse:0.46311
[61]	train-rmse:0.32275	validation-rmse:0.46309
[62]	train-rmse:0.32094	validation-rmse:0.46252
[63]	train-rmse:0.31844	validation-rmse:0.46274
[64]	train-rmse:0.31625	validation-rmse:0.46298
[65]	train-rmse:0.31397	validation-rmse:0.46301
[66]	train-rmse:0.31183	validation-rmse:0.46326
[67]	train-rmse:0.31010	validation-rmse:0.46273
[68]	train-rmse:0.30770	validation-rmse:0.46298
[69]	train-rmse:0.30549	validation-rmse:0.46304
[70]	train-rmse:0.30342	validation-rmse:0.46319
[71]	train-rmse:0.30175	validation-rmse:0.46289
[72]	train-rmse:0.29943	validation-rmse:0.46317
[73]	train-rmse:0.29730	validation-rmse:0.46326
[74]	train-rmse:0.29529	validation-rmse:0.46355
[75]	train-rmse:0.29368	validation-rmse:0.46328
[76]	train-rmse:0.29143	validation-rmse:0.46358
[77]	train-rmse:0.28937	validation-rmse:0.46370
[78]	train-rmse:0.28743	validation-rmse:0.46389
[79]	train-rmse:0.28589	validation-rmse:0.46346
[80]	train-rmse:0.28371	validation-rmse:0.46379
[81]	train-rmse:0.28172	validation-rmse:0.46392
[82]	train-rmse:0.27984	validation-rmse:0.46424

We can see that there are trained 83 trees. Let's check the optimal tree number:


# result
> 63

I will show you something that might surprise you. Let's compute the predictions:


# result
> array([0.37061724, 0.23207052, 0.40625256, 0.28753477, 0.516009  ,
       0.23207052, 0.5257586 , 0.3699053 , 0.35333863, 0.75463873,
       0.2718957 , 0.74117696, 0.7306833 , 0.2913912 , 0.5032675 ,
       0.35681653, 0.5884493 , 0.28920862, 0.516009  , 0.5212214 ,
       0.23207052, 0.23207052, 0.7434248 , 0.23207052, 0.28405687],

Again, let's compute the predictions with an additional parameter ntree_limit:

model_xgb.predict(test, iteration_range=(0, model_xgb.best_iteration+1))

# result
> array([0.39995873, 0.2791416 , 0.4064596 , 0.32292357, 0.53171337,
       0.2791416 , 0.52718186, 0.39682925, 0.38713488, 0.71079475,
       0.29251572, 0.7001796 , 0.68683934, 0.3316707 , 0.5189719 ,
       0.39087865, 0.5695737 , 0.33654556, 0.53171337, 0.5270995 ,
       0.2791416 , 0.2791416 , 0.6995808 , 0.2791416 , 0.3191798 ],

You see the difference in the predicted values! By default, the predict() method is not using an optimal number of trees. You need to specify the number of trees by yourself, by setting the iteration_range parameter.

Save the Xgboost Booster object

There are two methods that can make the confusion:

  • save_model(),
  • dump_model().

For saving and loading the model the save_model() should be used. The dump_model() is for model exporting which should be used for further model interpretation, for example visualization.

OK, so we will use save_model(). The next thing to remember is the extension of the saved file. If it will be *.json then the model will be saved in json format. Otherwise, it will be saved in text format.

Let's check:

# save to JSON
# save to text format

There is a difference in file size. The model.json file has 100.8 KB and the model.txt file has 57.9 KB (much smaller).

Let's load the model:

model_xgb_2 = xgb.Booster()

You can also load the model from the model.txt file. They will be the same. And now the surprise, let's check the optimal number of trees:


# result
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-139-4b9915a166cd> in <module>
----> 1 model_xgb_2.best_iteration

AttributeError: 'Booster' object has no attribute 'best_iteration'

That's right the best_iteration variable is not saved. You must be very careful with this API. Let's take a look at scikit-learn compatible API (it is much user friendly!).

Xgboost with Scikit-learn API

Let's train the Xgboost model with scikit-learn compatible API:

# training
model = xgb.XGBRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=3, learning_rate=0.01,
                         early_stopping_rounds=20), y_train, 
          eval_set=[(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test)])

The output from training is the same as earlier, so I don't post it here. Let's check the predict():


# result
> array([0.39995873, 0.2791416 , 0.4064596 , 0.32292357, 0.53171337,
       0.2791416 , 0.52718186, 0.39682925, 0.38713488, 0.71079475,
       0.29251572, 0.7001796 , 0.68683934, 0.3316707 , 0.5189719 ,
       0.39087865, 0.5695737 , 0.33654556, 0.53171337, 0.5270995 ,
       0.2791416 , 0.2791416 , 0.6995808 , 0.2791416 , 0.3191798 ],

... and predict() with ntree_limit:

model.predict(X_test, iteration_range=(0, model.best_iteration+1))

# result
> array([0.39995873, 0.2791416 , 0.4064596 , 0.32292357, 0.53171337,
       0.2791416 , 0.52718186, 0.39682925, 0.38713488, 0.71079475,
       0.29251572, 0.7001796 , 0.68683934, 0.3316707 , 0.5189719 ,
       0.39087865, 0.5695737 , 0.33654556, 0.53171337, 0.5270995 ,
       0.2791416 , 0.2791416 , 0.6995808 , 0.2791416 , 0.3191798 ],

They are the same! Nice. It is intuitive and works as expected.

Let's save the model:

# save in JSON format
# save in text format

The file model_sklearn.json size is 103.3 KB and model_sklearn.txt size is 60.4 KB.

To load the model:

model2 = xgb.XGBRegressor()

Check the optimal number of trees:


# result
> 63

The best_iteration is saved!


I recommend using the Xgboost Python API that is scikit-learn compatible. It is much simpler than Learning API and behaves as expected. It is more intuitive. For saving and loading the model, you can use save_model() and load_model() methods.

There is also an option to use pickle.dump() for saving the Xgboost. It makes a memory snapshot and can be used for training resume. However, this method doesn't guarantee backward compatibility between different versions. For long-term storage the save_model() should be used.

The Xgboost is an amazing framework. However, its training may require a lot of coding (even with scikit-learn compatible API). You might be interested in trying our open-source AutoML package: With MLJAR you can train Xgboost with two lines of code:

automl = AutoML(algorithms=["Xgboost"]),y)

That's all. Thank you!

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