Build dashboard in Python with automatic updates and email notifications
Do you need to monitor data from multiple sources and act based on their values? If you answered yes, then it means that you need a dashboard. I will show you how to create a dashboard in Python. It will automatically update the values in the dashboard and send email notifications based on monitored values. The dashboard will be deployed to the Amazon AWS cloud service.
The dashboard will be created in Python with Jupyter Notebook. It will monitor data from multiple sources:
- stock exchange (data from Yahoo finance),
- cryptocurrency exchange (data from Binance REST API),
- weather (data from
The data will be displayed on charts and value boxes. The data will be updated daily. The dashboard will be served with an open-source Mercury
framework. It converts Jupyter Notebook into a web application and schedules notebook execution. The web application will be deployed to AWS EC2 with docker-compose
. The screenshot of the dashboard:
Environment setup
The first step is to set up the environment for development. The project's code will be in the GitHub repository. The link to the repo: - keeping code in the repository will be a handful for deployment. Let's clone the empty repo to the local machine:
git clone
I will use the virtualenv
to create a virtual environment for my project:
virtualenv pdenv --python=python3.8
The name of the virtual environment is pdenv
. Let's define all needed packages in the requirements.txt
Install them after environment activation:
# activate the env
source pdenv/bin/activate
# install all packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
The important step is to add our virtual environment as a kernel in the Jupyter Notebook:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=pdenv
After executing the above command, the pdenv
will be available as a kernel in the Jupyter Notebook.
Data Sources
All data will be fetched during notebook execution. Please start the Jupyter Notebook:
jupyter notebook
Please create a new notebook with the pdenv
kernel. My notebook is named dashboard.ipynb
The stock data will be loaded with the yfinance
package. It uses the Yahoo Finance REST API to get information about stock data. The stock loading code:
import yfinance as yf
stock_symbol = "MSFT" # MSFT is Microsoft symbol on stock exchange
stock = yf.Ticket(stock_symbol)
stock_hist = stock.history()
The stock_hist
is a DataFrame with 30 days of stock history with 1-day interval.
To get the data about cryptocurrency, we will use the Binance REST API and requests
import requests
crypto_symbol = "BTC" # Bitcoin
# get crypto data from Binance REST API
def get_crypto_data(symbol):
response = requests.get(f"{symbol}&interval=1d&limit=30")
candles = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame(candles, columns=["Open time", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume",
"Close time", "Quote", "Trades", "BaseVol", "QuoteVol", "Igonre"])
df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Open time"], unit='ms')
for col in ["Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"]:
df[col] = df[col].astype(float)
df = df.set_index('Date')
return df
except Exception as e:
return None
crypto = get_crypto_data(f"{crypto_symbol}USDT")
The crypto
variable keeps the information about BTC
30 days price history with 1 day interval.
For the weather data, I will use The service is free to use and has an amazing link builder interface in the documentation. To get weather, we need to pass latitude and longitude. You can get them from Google Maps.
# get weather data from open meteo REST API
def get_meteo_data(lat = 52.9314055, lon=23.7737443):
url = f"{lat}&longitude={lon}&hourly=temperature_2m,windspeed_10m,windgusts_10m&windspeed_unit=kn&timezone=Europe%2FBerlin"
data = requests.get(url).json()
meteo = pd.DataFrame(data["hourly"])
meteo.time = pd.to_datetime(meteo.time)
return meteo
except Exception as e:
return None
meteo = get_meteo_data()
The meteo
is a DataFrame with hourly information about the weather for the next 7 days. It has information about temperature and wind speed. My kids are training sailing, so the wind speed is important for us ;)
We have the data in 3 DataFrames. The data is fetched from the internet resources during the notebook execution.
Plot data
There will be 4 charts in the dashboard. The first two charts will be with financial data:
- chart with stock price for the last 30 days,
- chart with crypto price for the last 30 days.
# import packages
from matplotlib import dates as mdates
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt'ggplot')
# plot finance charts
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(17,5))
_ = ax[0].plot(stock_hist.Close, linewidth=3)
_=ax[1].plot(crypto.Close, color="orange", linewidth=3)
Plot weather charts:
- one chart with temperature for the next 7 days,
- wind speed for the next 7 days.
# plot meteo charts
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(17,5))
_=ax[0].plot(meteo.time, meteo.temperature_2m, color="black")
_=ax[1].plot(meteo.time, meteo.windspeed_10m, label="Speed", linewidth=3)
_=ax[1].plot(meteo.time, meteo.windgusts_10m, label="Gusts", linewidth=3)
Boxes with values
I will compute some additional values that will be displayed in value boxes. I will use the Bloxs
package to display values in boxes. I will display current prices, max temperature, and max wind gusts for the next 7 days.
Let's compute the maximum price change during the last 7 days:
# week max change for stock
stock_change = (stock_hist.tail(7).Close.max() - stock_hist.tail(7).Close.min())/stock_hist.tail(7).Close.max()
# week max change for crypto
crypto_change = (crypto.tail(7).Close.max() - crypto.tail(7).Close.min())/crypto.tail(7).Close.max()
I will display data with the Bloxs
# remember to import needed packages
from bloxs import B
# display boxes
B(f"{np.round(stock_change*100, 2)}%", f"{stock_symbol} week change"),
B(f"{np.round(crypto_change*100, 2)}%", f"{crypto_symbol} week change"),
B(meteo.windgusts_10m.max(), f"Max wind gusts"),
The next rows of 'Bloxs':
B(stock_hist.Close[-1].astype(int), f"{stock_symbol}"),
B(crypto.Close[-1].astype(int), f"{crypto_symbol}"),
B(meteo.windgusts_10m.max(), f"Max Temp"),
Email notifications
We have current data values. Let's define alerts with email notifications. I will use smtplib
and email
packages. I've constructed a very simple EmailService
class. It loads email address and password from environment variables.
I'm using my Gmail account to send an email. The password is the app password
generated to use in the code (the docs how to generate an app password for Gmail account). The email address and password can't be hardcoded in the code! I'm using python-dotenv
to load environment variables from .env
file. The .env
shouldn't be committed to the GitHub repository.
import smtplib
from email.message import EmailMessage
from dotenv import load_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv()
class EmailService:
def __init__(self):
self.address = os.environ.get("EMAIL_ADDRESS")
self.password = os.environ.get("EMAIL_PASSWORD")
def send(self, to_address, subject, message):
msg = EmailMessage()
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = self.address
msg['To'] = to_address
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp:
smtp.login(self.address, self.password)
Setting the alert for wind max speed. If the maximum wind gusts are larger than 25 knots, let's send an email notification:
if meteo.windgusts_10m.max() > 25:
"Strong wind gusts alert",
f"There might be strong wind gusts in the next 7 days. Up to {meteo.windgusts_10m.max()} knots.")
Email notifications for financial changes:
if stock_change > 0.3: # stock change over 30% send email notification
"Stock large price change alert",
f"Large price change ({np.round(stock_change*100.0,2)}%) of {stock_symbol} in the last 7 days.")
if crypto_change > 0.3: # crypto change over 30% send email notification
"Crypto price large change alert",
f"Large price change ({np.round(crypto_change*100.0,2)}%) of {crypto_symbol} in the last 7 days.")
Turn notebook to web application
The notebook can be turned into a web application with Mercury
framework. It requires a YAML header in the first raw cell in the notebook. The header defines title
and description
. The code can be easily hidden with show-code: False
. Additionally, the interactive widgets can be added to the notebook. In the below YAML header the two widgets are added stock_symbol
and crypto_symbol
. The widgets are directly connected to variables in the Python code.
The YAML header:
title: My dashboard
description: Dashboard with stock, crypto and meteo
show-code: False
input: select
label: Select stock
value: TSLA
choices: [TSLA, MSFT, GME, PLTR, SNOW]
input: select
label: Select crypto
value: BTC
choices: [BTC, ETH, DOT, NMR]
The variables that are controlled by Mercury
widgets should be in a separate cell:
stock_symbol = "TSLA"
crypto_symbol = "BTC"
To see the notebook as a web application, you need to run the Mercury
server. Please use the command:
mercury run
It will load your Python notebook and serve locally at
. You can open the web browser and see the dashboard running:
You can change the widget values and execute the notebook with new values.
Schedule notebook
The notebook can be easily executed in the schedule with the Mercury
framework. You just need to add schedule
parameter in the YAML with crontab string. I will set the execution for every day between Monday and Friday at 8.30 in the morning. The additional parameter is schedule: '30 8 * * 1-5'
, and the full YAML in the notebook is presented in the picture below:
I will deploy the dashboard created in Python to the AWS EC2 machine. I will use t3a.small
machine with 2 vCPU and 2 GB of RAM and Ubuntu operating system:
It is important to allow HTTPS and HTTP traffic to the machine:
After machine start I set a route in Route 53
service with A record
pointing to the IP of the machine. The A record
has the address.
Please login to the machine (there should be Connect
button in AWS instances view). The machine should have the git
already installed. We will need to install docker
and docker-compose
# install docker
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install
# check if installed
sudo docker --version
# install docker-compose
sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# check if installed
sudo docker-compose version
OK, we can now clone the python-dashboard
repository to the server:
git clone
The next step is to setup the Mercury server. We need to clone the Mercury
git clone
Please enter the mercury
directory and copy the .env.example
cp .env.example .env
Please edit the .env
file with your values (remember not to commit the .env
file to the GitHub):
The important variables that need to be set:
- the comma-separated hosts, I used here the domain name. If you don't have a domain, you can use the IP address.NOTEBOOKS_PATH
- the path to the folder with notebooks. In our case, it is../python-dashboard/
- the timezone that will be used for scheduling (you can read more about scheduling in the docs).WELCOME
- the path to the welcome message. The welcome message is in Markdown in the same directory as notebooks.EMAIL_ADDRESS
- credentials used in notebookEmailService
I will use the docker-compose-pro.yaml
for starting the Mercury
server. You can use it if you have a domain name available. It will set you a Let's Encrypt
HTTPS certificate. It will work without Pro License. However, the Pro features won't be available.
There is a
script to start the docker-compose
and initialize certificates. You need to pass the domain name at the start:
It will issue the certificate and start docker-compose
with docker-compose-pro.yaml
configuration in the background. That's all. The server should be running after a short while. You can access it at
You can stop the server with:
sudo docker-compose down
To start the server, please run:
sudo docker-compose up --build -d
It might be needed to update the notebook's code.
The Python language is amazing. It can be used to create so many different things. The Jupyter Notebook mixes the Python power with Markdown text and plots. It makes endless possibilities for creation. The data dashboard with live data from the Internet sources was created with Python only - no additional markup and web languages like HTML, JS, or CSS. The dashboard is published as a web application thanks to the open-source Mercury
framework. What is more, the dashboard is automatically executed on the schedule. The publishing tools like Mercury
makes it easy to share Jupyter Notebooks with non-technical users because code can be hidden.
The Mercury
is an open-source framework. If you are a business user looking for a commercial-friendly license with additional features (like authentication) and dedicated support, please check our website for more details.