🌳 SuperTree 🌳

Decision Tree visualization package

Data Science Tools

What is SuperTree?

Visualise your models easily from every algorithm

SuperTree is a Python package designed to visualize decision trees in an interactive and user-friendly way within Jupyter Notebooks, Jupyter Lab, Google Colab, and any other notebooks that support HTML rendering. With this tool, you can not only display decision trees, but also interact with them directly within your notebook environment. Key features include:

Ability to zoom and pan through large trees

Collapse and expand selected nodes

Explore the structure of the tree in an intuitive and visually appealing manner

SuperTree features

Discover the amazing data visualization features of SuperTree.

Zoom and reset

In SuperTree you can use scroll to zoom in on every element and take a better look on plots within node.

Easy to see details for regression

All you have to do is hoover mouse over the elements to see their values. Data like Avarage, Impurity and many, many more.

Inspect your metrics

As classification has different properties, including it is a must. Class Distribution, Tree Class or Impurity can be seen with one move of a mouse.

Visual representation

Toogle switch on toolbar to represent amount of samples passed to node by girth of branch.

Fullscreen in Jupyter

For Jupyter Notebook users we added fullscreen window. That way you can display tree easily in web-based applications.

Scale plots

If shown data is too lumped together use toolbar buttons to change scale X- or Y-axis in nodes. It is that easy.

Depth change

SuperTree allows to dynamicaly change levels of the tree displayed. You can collapse and extend whole tree to certain depth or click on every node.

Easy to see path

To trace path of the leaf all you have to do is click it. Branches it came through will be coloured red and side bar will appear with visualized nodes.

Check out our Demo!

Explore the interactive demo to see how SuperTree features work.

Licensing of SuperTree

You can use the free version of SuperTree in open source projects that are licensed under the GPL. If you don't want to open your code up to the public, you can purchase commercial license.